Wednesday, April 28, 2010


*** The General Fund is used to spread God’s word in our community and throughout the world through the work of our church. The General Fund is funded solely by YOUR contributions. Your contributions to the General Fund are spent in the following ways:
Payroll & Benefits — Our church staff and Pastor provide a constant outreach in our community and congregation by spreading the lessons of Jesus Christ.
Trustees — Upkeep, utilities and insurance on our beautiful landmark church building provide a worship experience in a sacred place. Our well kept buildings provide meeting locations to many worthy non-profit groups which provide help to those in need.
Apportionments — Our apportionments are split among many categories of Mission work, a few of which include the World Service Fund, Africa University Fund, and the Council on Youth Ministries. Some of our apportionment contributions also go to provide support for retired clergy and for district church administration.
Program Expenses — Our church staff and volunteers spread God’s word to children and adults alike with Christian education curriculum and supplies, and our worship experience is enhanced with supplies and equipment.
** The total average annual contribution amount for our church to the General Fund between the years 2002 - 2004 was $349,711. The average annual contribution amount for our church to the General Fund between the years 2007 - 2009 was $301,026. This represents an average annual decline of contributions in the amount of $48,685 over the years shown, which means that we have had to reduce the amount spent on the good works listed above proportionately.
Jay Olson
Finance Committee

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