Thursday, January 26, 2012


Enter to Worship, Depart to Serve

We invite you to sign the worship registry at the end of each row and pass it on to others in your pew, then pass the book back. 

Our Mission:  "To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."



      Leader:       Give thanks to the Lord for God is good. 
      People:      God’s steadfast love endures forever. 
      Leader:       When we call upon the Lord, God comes to us to save us.  
      People:      God’s amazing love endures forever.  
      Leader:       When our hearts are troubled, God comes to us with blessings. 
      People:      God’s extravagant love endures forever. 
      Leader:       When our spirits struggle and are discouraged, God comes to us with healing. 
      People:      God’s generous love endures forever.  
      Leader:       When our lives are overwhelmed, God comes as a courageous Spirit. 
      People:      God’s forgiving love endures forever. 

+OPENING HYMN        “Majesty, Worship His Majesty”              #176

Living God, it is so easy to want our share, to get all we can.  Sometimes in the getting and wanting, we lose sight of you, O God.  We think we need so much – that new car, a new suit, a stereo, or the latest iPod.  In all this accumulation we just have more things.   Today, all around my neighborhood, families go hungry.  More and more children go to bed hungry each night.  Help me, Lord, help me to see beyond me and my wants.  Help me to look at the needs of others above my own; in the name of Jesus the Christ.  Amen. 

Time with Young Disciples

HYMN                   “Take My Life, and Let It Be”                         #399

SCRIPTURES James 4:13-17 and Luke 12:13-21           


As forgiven and reconciled people, let us offer ourselves and our gifts to God.  

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  Amen.


+ CLOSING HYMN    “Faith, While Trees Are Still in Blossom”      #508



(+) Those who are able are invited to stand.        


1)        List the elements in your life that keep you distracted.  Include both good things and bad things in this list.
2)        How is it that the good things in your life have come to distract you from what is most important? 
3)        What would it take to adjust your lifestyle and mentality in order to put the most important things back in their proper places? 
4)        Make a few notes on this passage.  What is James warning against?   What is he calling us to do? 
5)        If James were to say these words specifically to you in the midst of your current life situation, what do you think he would tell you to avoid.  What do you think he would tell you to pursue?  
6)        What are the sources of stress and anxiety in your life? 
7)        What can you do to remind yourself of God’s care and your dependence on Him in the midst of these stressful situations?  
8)        How can you structure your life to reflect the fact that your every second is dependent on the grace of God?
9)        Describe some people in your life who have died abruptly.   What were some of their achievements in life and what might have been their regrets?
10)      If today was the day you died, what would you regret, and why. 
11)      What can you change about your life today to avoid those regrets?
12)      What lifestyle difference result from believing in Jesus?
13)      In planning an investment portfolio to become “rich toward God”, what will you do this week?  This year? 
14)    Close your time in this session by praying.  You’ve been thinking through some pretty heavy issues, and if you’re seriously thinking about making changes in your life to avoid regrets, you likely have some important changes to make.  Remember that this life is all about dependence on God and that so many things will pull you away from His simple calling on your life.  Spend some time asking God to work in your heart and mind to remove distractions and place you on the path He’s calling you to.

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