60 When many of his disciples heard it, they said, "This teaching is difficult; who can accept it?" 61 But Jesus, being aware that his disciples were complaining about it, said to them, "Does this offend you? …66 Because of this many of his disciples turned back and no longer went about with him. 67 So Jesus asked the twelve, "Do you also wish to go away?" 68 Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God." John 6:60-61, 66-69
There is an old axiom that asks; “If every church member acted like me what kind of church would we have?” Well what’s your answer? Everywhere we are challenged by our predominate culture that continually, whether consciously or unconsciously, defaults to the practice of: “leave it up to someone else”. Following the advice of another old axiom; “if you are not part of the solution then you are a part of the problem”. What type of example are you personally setting, in your actions and response to your pledge commitment?
When we join the community of faith we were asked; will you be loyal to The United Methodist Church, and do all in your power to strengthen its ministries? Followed up with this question; As members of this congregation, will you faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and witness? And when new members join we welcome them by a renewed covenant pledge to continue to give in support of the church: As members together with you in the body of Christ and in this congregation of The United Methodist Church, we renew our covenant faithfully to participate in the ministries of the church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and witness that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.
It is easy today to “forget our first Love” [see Rev. 2:4]. Jesus encountered a similar problem is his day [see text]. As servants of the Lord, we must realize that we were called by God for a purpose. Not only are we called by him; we are also equipped by him to complete the task to which he has called us. We are not called to be “Lone Ranger” [see1 Corinthians 3:9]. God established the Body of Christ and has gifted each of us uniquely for a reason. We need all of us to tend to the ministerial needs within the body.
Having been known for their love and zeal, the Ephesian church was reprimanded for having forgotten their first love merely a generation later (Revelation 2:4). Have we lost our passion? Are we simply going through the motions? In order to be effective in ministry, we all must nurture our relationship with God and with our brothers and sisters in the community. It is often said most of us do not think our way into being but act ourselves into new ways of being. Many hands do make light work but more importantly our work together also builds bonds of Christian love. All persons who follow Jesus are called to grow spiritually through the practice of various Christian habits (or "means of grace"). Jesus taught his disciples practices of spiritual growth and leadership that we, as disciples, are to share with others. Are you modeling and guiding in exemplary ways a Christian lifestyle?
The FIESTA will be starting on Sunday, July 21 and will end on Friday, July 26. We will not be having VBS on Wednesday, July 24 due to RAGBRAI. VBS will start each night at 5:30 with a meal served in West Fellowship Hall and will continue from 6:00 to 8:15 with Bible stories, games, and crafts. Please invite your kids, grandkids, neighbors and friends to come join this fun event where kids get to know Jesus.
The mission project for VBS this year is “Imagine No Malaria”. Kids will learn how malaria affects lives every day and how we can help prevent it from spreading. Every 30 seconds, an innocent child in Africa dies of malaria. A loving daughter, a future doctor, a beloved grandson, a best friend – malaria takes more than 1 million lives each year. Malaria is preventable, treatable, and beatable. Making a gift of just $10 will buy a net to protect an entire family in Africa with 100% of contributions to this ministry going to the fight against malaria. If you would like to donate please indicate “imagine no malaria” in the memo of your check or on a love envelope.
We will also be having some special theme nights as are listed below:
o Sunday – Come as you are to FIESTA
o Monday - FIESTA Hat Night – Wear your wildest hat
o Tuesday – FIESTA Flip Flops – Wear your funniest flip flops
o Wednesday – No VBS – Come help with the RAGBRAI Fiesta
o Thursday - FIESTA Sunglasses – Wear your wildest sunglasses
o Friday – FIESTA wear –Wear your best party outfit
The week will conclude on Friday night at 8:00 p.m. with a short program. We encourage all our VBS participants to come back with their families and join us on Sunday, July 28 for a special performance during our 9:00 a.m. worship service. Registration forms are available on page 8 of this newsletter and can be dropped off at the church office.
There is still a need for some dedicated people to come join the FIESTA at FUMC! We are looking for helpers for the registration tables and to act as Group leaders to take the kids from station to station. If you would like to join us for a fun filled week, please come to a meeting on Wednesday, July 3rd at 7:00 p.m. or contact Julie Purvis or Katie Bishop.
Sign-up sheets for Wed, July 24, RAGBRAI workers and pie makers are in the Narthex. Serving will start at 11:00 a.m. and continue until we run out of chicken & noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, and homemade fruit pie. Pies are very special to the riders! If you are a pie maker, we want your expertise! 30 pies are still needed for this event. If you are not a baker, frozen fruit pies will also work. Pies can be made at home and brought to the church. Many are needed to help with this event.
Yes, we will do the pancakes at the Armory as we have done before. Sign-up sheets are available in the Narthex for Wed, August 7 through Sat, Aug 10. This is served by our church to benefit the church and the Chamber. Ask Kay Jensen if you have questions.
As a Communion Deacon after each monthly communion service you would take communion as an extension of the congregation's worship to the sick or homebound persons of the church. Communion Deacons will receive training from the pastor in the following areas: Theology of the Eucharist in The United Methodist Church, Practice of caring for shut-ins and the ill, and Procedure for serving the Eucharist outside the worship service in the sanctuary. The communion they take to the shut-ins and the ill is an extension of the Lord’s table where we celebrate the renewing power of God’s love in Christ Jesus. Please prayerfully consider if God is calling you to serve in this Important ministry and contact the church if you are interested in helping in this ministry.
New plastic collection bins are located in the Narthex for the following:
Box Tops for education are an easy way to earn cash for the Knoxville Schools. Look for the
pink Box Top coupon on hundreds of participating products. Cut out the Box Top from each package and simply place it in the “Box Tops for Education” Bin. Each is worth 10¢ for your school! The school gets cash for every Box Top collected to help buy the things it needs most. All those Box Tops really add up!
The program is an easy way for people of all ages to support Ronald McDonald Houses and know they are making a difference for families and children. Ronald McDonald Houses collect pop tabs instead of entire aluminum cans because it's more hygienic to store tabs than cans, and collection and storage is easier. After the tabs are collected, the local RMHC Chapter brings the collection to local recycling centers, where they are weighed to determine their value. The recycling center then sends the local RMHC Chapter a check for the total value. Please place these in the bin labeled “Pop Can Tabs”
Jesus said, "when you give to the least of these, you give to me." One great
way to do that is through Helping Hands. You can donate nonperishable food items all year long that are given to people in need. You can drop off any donations throughout the week or on Sunday mornings in the collection bin entitled “Food Donations”. Food donations are especially encouraged the second weekend of the month as a part of food donation weekend.
Prior to the beginning of the school year and periodically throughout the school year Montgomery Street Preschool will ask for various specific items to be donated that are needed by the preschool. Please leave these donations in the bin marked “Preschool Supplies”.

Congratulations to Stephanie on the birth of her child Hunter who is welcomed home by big brother Jason. Grandparents are Larry and Susan Bailey.
Condolences to Don Harrison and Ruth Hassman and family on the passing of their wife/sister, Maxine Harrison.
Condolences to Eugene Cummings and Cinda Synhorst and family on the passing of their wife/mother, Norma Jeanne Cummings.
Thank you all for the cards, concerns, and prayers in remembrance of Maxine Harrison. Thank you to Pastor Lane and Pastor Brent for your visits, phone calls and comforting words. Your kindness is deeply appreciated and will always be remembered. - Don Harrison
Thank you UMW for the prayer shawl and prayer square. Thank you also for all the cards and prayers. Linda O’Dell
Thank you church family for the prayers, concerns, and cards during my hospital stay and since returning home. Also, thank you Pastor Lane for your visits. It has all meant so much to me. Billie Gilkerson
Thank you to our church family for helping to make our Week of Hope Mission Trip possible!! We will be sharing stories from Colorado later this summer. Thank you all for your love and support!! - The FUMC Youth
FUMC’s Prayer Center, located just off the Main lobby past the office, is a quiet, comfortable space purposefully set aside to meet with the Lord in Prayer and spiritual practices. The Prayer Center is open to all, and is open around service times each weekend as well as throughout the week whenever the church building is open. Our Prayer Request List is kept here in order that you may come and offer up prayers for others that may not able to come. We encourage you to come and meet with the Lord in prayer to give thanks and praise, to pray and meditate on the Word, to confess your personal sins, to intercede for others, to be still and listen for answers, to pray for the needs of this Church, members of your family, this nation, this world, and for those on the Prayer Request List.
The church office will be closed Thursday, July 4th and Friday, July 5th for the holiday.
Imagine No Malaria is an effort of the people of The United Methodist
Church to raise $75 million to eliminate death and suffering from malaria in Africa by 2015. This is a comprehensive approach to beating malaria through prevention, education, communication and treatment. We will engage the passion of 11.5 million United Methodists worldwide to empower an entire continent to achieve a sustainable victory over malaria. Global health is a major focus for The United Methodist Church, which has more than 11.5 million members internationally and is in mission in more than 125 countries. For more than 160 years the denomination has been a key player in the fight against malaria, operating hospitals, clinics and mission centers across Africa. Social holiness has always been a hallmark of who we are as United Methodists. John Wesley encouraged his followers to live like Jesus—to reach out to those on the fringes of society, heal them and send them back into their community for a greater good. We are in this fight, and we will win it. We will save millions of children’s lives, making sure these smiling faces see a bright future.
We are offering a Back to School Event July 31st from 4:00-8:00 p.m. in the air conditioned Knoxville High School commons. Workers are needed as well as money to buy school supplies. We have secured back packs and shoes. We are providing a meal. This is an excellent mission opportunity to the community helping families in need. 35-40% of the students in the district are receiving free or reduced lunches, an indicator of the financials needs of a large number of a young people. Financial contributions are needed by all and in any amount. Please mark your gift to the church with “Back to School Event”. Help will be needed before the day in preparing as well as the day of the event. Sign up in the Narthex or for more information, contact Merna at 842-3072. For more information, contact Merna at 842-3072.
Many of these children either…
- need shoes that fit
- have old worn out shoes that are embarrassing and painful
- need school supplies to attend school with
How you can help…and what each child will receive…
- Brand new pair of shoes
- Brand new backpack with school supplies
- A meal
- A message of hope and love
- And much more!
$50 will sponsor a backpack full of supplies for 2 children
$25 will sponsor a backpack full of supplies for 1 child
$_______ any other amount is appreciated
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