In Luke 11: 1 the disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray, in response Jesus gave them the Lord’s prayer. Today we are just as desirous of an authentic and meaningful life of prayer. So how do we establish a strong prayer life?

Jesus taught us to say, Our Father in heaven, Your name be honored: This was the Jesus’ deepest commitment. He was born to honor the name of His Father (LUKE 1:31-32).
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven: As expressed by His first recorded words, He had come to do His Father's business (LUKE 2:49; JOHN 5:30).
Give us today our daily bread: Knowing what it is like to go without food and shelter, the Son rested in His Father's ability to provide for Him (MATTHEW 4:4; 8:20; JOHN 4:32).
Forgive us as we forgive others: Even though He was without sin, He prayed for those who were crucifying Him, "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing" (LUKE 23:34 NLT).
Deliver us from the evil one. In the face of insult, hunger, and fear, Jesus defeated our enemy by resisting every temptation to not trust His Father—even to death on a cross (matthew 4:1-11).
Each element of the Lord's Prayer shows us how to make requests in Jesus name. What could be more pleasing to God than to express our desire to honor His name in every circumstance; to request that His will be done in the face of our worst fears; to pray for provision one day at a time; to ask for forgiveness as we show mercy in all of our relationships; and to request deliverance from our enemy in each moment of temptation? This form of communication with God is a critical step in developing a vital prayer life.
In addition Jesus often made a prayer pilgrimage, moving to a specific place to be in prayer. Getting out of our sometimes too familiar spaces can also help us focus more on the needs of others, which opens us to the Spirits direction. As a helpful resource we have developed a Prayer Center at church. Repurposing a under used room we have created a new Prayer Center. The room is off the main entry gathering space just past the office. There is a devotional station with resources and a candle to light to remind you of God’s presence. Resource material is also there for your use. Come taste and see what a difference this space will bring to your prayer life.
In the words of C.S. Lewis, “I prayer not to change God but to Change me.”
Sign-up sheets for Wed, July 24, RAGBRAI will be out soon. Serving will start at 11:00 a.m. and continue until we run out of chicken & noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, and homemade fruit pie. Pies are very special to the riders! If you are a pie maker, we want your expertise! Pies can be made at home and brought to the church.
Come join the Fiesta July 21 through 26 from 5:30 until 8:15 (no
VBS on July 24 due to RAGBRAI). Helpers are still needed in all areas. Sign up to help create God's Fiesta and provide a great opportunity to children across our community to learn about His love! Call Katie Bishop at 641-891-1342 to sign up to help. Registration forms are available in the Narthex window. Spread the FIESTA to all your kids, grandkids, and neighbors.
Come join the Fiesta July 21 through 26 from 5:30 until 8:15 (no
VBS on July 24 due to RAGBRAI). Helpers are still needed in all areas. Sign up to help create God's Fiesta and provide a great opportunity to children across our community to learn about His love! Call Katie Bishop at 641-891-1342 to sign up to help. Registration forms are available in the Narthex window. Spread the FIESTA to all your kids, grandkids, and neighbors.
Yes, we will do the pancakes at the Armory as we have done before. This is served by our church to benefit the church and the Chamber. The four days are Wed, August 7 through Sat, Aug 10. Sign-up sheets will be available soon in the foyer. Ask Kay Jensen if you have questions.
As you complete spring cleaning this year, remember the
preschool. Your junk may be a treasure for us. We are always in need of craft supplies like buttons, craft sticks, yarn, and other supplies. Books, toys and dress up clothes are also needed. If you have something you think we could use give Katie a call at 641-891-1342. Thanks!
preschool. Your junk may be a treasure for us. We are always in need of craft supplies like buttons, craft sticks, yarn, and other supplies. Books, toys and dress up clothes are also needed. If you have something you think we could use give Katie a call at 641-891-1342. Thanks!
As communities in Oklahoma reel from the devastation of tornadoes, remember, The United Methodist Church has a system in place for responding through UMCOR. UMCOR guarantees that 100% of your donation goes directly to the disaster. Please indicate UMCOR Advance number #901670 for the Oklahoma disaster in the memo of your check or on your love envelope if you would like to make a donation.
Thank you to all who give so generously of your resources. Unfortunately our April general fund
income of $19,220 did not meet the expense of $25,720. May has also had a shortfall of $800. We ask that in the midst of the busy summer please remember to give as we work to accomplish great things for God’s kingdom.
income of $19,220 did not meet the expense of $25,720. May has also had a shortfall of $800. We ask that in the midst of the busy summer please remember to give as we work to accomplish great things for God’s kingdom.
As one of our missions, First United Methodist Church helps to support Neighbor Helping Neighbor with a pledge of $4000 per year. This is paid each month from the funds given to our Neighbor Helping Neighbor Mission. Gifts to Neighbor Helping Neighbor this year are not meeting our pledge. Through God’s grace and your support of Neighbor Helping Neighbor, many people are helped as they struggle with job loss, payment of utilities, and many other issues. Please consider a gift to this important mission. Please mark your check memo to identify this purpose.
The South Central District is encouraging churches and individuals to give to Imagine No Malaria to honor Rev. Bill and Judy Poland. Mark your check or include offering in a card for the Poland’s. Imagine No Malaria is the focus of the Iowa Annual Conference for 2013.
Ø June 2nd – 4 to 6pm meet at church
Ø June 9th – 4 to 6 pm meet at the church.
Ø June 16th - Youth are expected to be at church at 9 am. No meeting in afternoon – spend time with your Dad!!
Congratulations to the graduating high school seniors! Best wishes on your future endeavors! Courtney Ryan, Gabrielle Babbitt, and Anna Shevchenko.
Condolences to George Werts and family on the passing of his wife Doris.
Condolences to Nathan DeHeer and family on the passing of his mother.
Condolences to Tiffany Kamp and family on the passing of her father.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Thanks to all that have supported the Youth through the can drive, bake sales, meal and fundraiser auction. Because of your generous support we have raised enough to cover this year’s trip and start a fund for next year!! Your love and support is greatly appreciated!! Watch for news about our trip later this summer!!
Thank you to all that have supported the preschool this year through donations of supplies, time, or money! We had a wonderful school year and had 17 graduates this year. A special thanks to the UMW ladies for their support and help!! Your support is greatly appreciated!!!
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In response to many of these disasters, United Methodists reached out in phenomenal ways as neighbors far and near coped with life-changing losses. Your gifts to the offering ensure that 100% of donations toward specific disasters go to help disaster survivors. One Great Hour of Sharing funds pay UMCOR’s administrative expenses. While you may never travel to the places that make the headlines, through your generous gifts, you are there. Thank you! In mission and ministry together, Thomas Kemper General Secretary General Board Global Ministry
The next Children’s Church will take place on Sunday, June 16th at the 9:00 a.m. service. Children’s Church will be the children dismissed after the children’s time to go down stairs for 30 minutes of story, crafts, and games. The kids can be picked up downstairs after the church service. This will be an extended learning time for children ages 2 through 5th grade.
Join Us for Additional Children's Church at 9:00 a.m. on the following days:
Ø Sunday, July 21
Ø Sunday, July 28
ØSunday, August 25
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