Can you count Change?
“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. The old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine must be stored in new wineskins. That way both the wine and the wineskins are preserved." Matthew 9:17
The other day I once again had the experience (this has happened more often than I can believe) of a checkout person having a difficult time making change after a purchase. They got confused and I got somewhat frustrated. The outcome being I had to walk them through every aspect of the transaction from cash tendered through the counting out of what the proper change should be.
While driving home I thought more about the experience I had with this individual (yes it was a younger person). At first I thought what are they teaching in school now days? [I know I sound like an old foggie]. When I went to school I don’t think you could complete elementary without knowing how to make proper change. Then I remember that the world has changed so much since then. I thought to myself most of the time I’m not making a transaction with cash; I use my debit card. I just slide and go; with the simplest of interaction with the clerk, “Thanks for your purchase.”
I also thought about the frustration they experienced trying to count out change. It reminded me of trying to figure out a new operation with me cell phone; it feels always like I trying to do rocket science. I bet if I were to ask that young clerk about phone usage they wouldn’t have a bit of trouble, (they would probably think man what’s your problem?).
Jesus experienced profoundly the clash of world views. He came to introduce the world to a whole new way of encountering God. In a sense he was saying look I have this thing called a cell phone and here is how you contact my father and yours. But most of those he encountered (Pharisees) were saying no we are more concerned about teaching people how to count change. They could not see or accept the world was radically changing.
The church today needs to find ways to adapt to a new generation that functions in a new and different way than it did in the past. The Churches that can recognize this and adapt will be those that understand the power of new wine (the Holy Spirit) and will stretch and not break. Can we at First UMC, Knoxville learn to count change? Let us all pray yes!
Grace & Peace,
One Great Hour of Sharing makes all of the other United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) programs possible. The One Great Hour of Sharing offering supports the administrative costs that underwrite the United Methodist Committee on Relief. This means that by giving faithfully to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering, all contributions to UMCOR go to the specific project and not administrative costs. UMCOR is the humanitarian arm of The United Methodist Church. OGHS gifts underwrite UMCOR’s “costs of doing business.” That means every penny of every gift you make to a specific UMCOR project will be spent on that project—not on home office administrative costs.

April is FUMC’s month to help with grocery assistance at Helping Hands Food Pantry. On April 8 and April 22 volunteers are needed from 10:00 a.m. to noon at Helping Hands.
Wanted: First Church attenders to volunteer for rewarding 2 year term on Habitat for Humanity’s local Board. Meetings are the 4th Monday of each month evenings – excluding Dec. New Board members begin July 1. Please check out Habitat’s Annual Report booklet at each church entrance. Habitat volunteers are great people who truly empower families in Marion County and around the world. See Park Woodle 891.2335 or Lisa Crabbs, Exec. Director 828.8844/ /www.
We will be having an all-church potluck at 5:00 p.m. Saturday, March 9 in West Fellowship Hall. This is to welcome our guests from Sheldon United Methodist Church who will be presenting the Living Last Supper at 7:00 p.m. in our church that evening. Please bring a couple of dishes as we will be having about 40 extra guests from Sheldon. Paper plates and cups, silverware, and drinks will be furnished. We look forward to your attendance to welcome this group to our church.

The United Methodist Women invite the men and women of the church to a Guest Day breakfast at Knoxville FUMC on Saturday, April 13 at 9:00 a.m. The program will be given by exchange student, Anna Shevehenko. Make your reservation by April 6 to Pat Haning at 842-2790 or
2013 is finally here and the Iowa United Methodist Camp and Retreat team is looking forward to the new camping season. Over 60 different summer camp programs are offered to fit almost any need and personality. Camp has always been a place where God speaks in so many different ways, and this continues the tradition by providing a sacred space and place for young people to hear God’s voice in the beautiful outdoors. To find out what exciting summer programs are offered that allow young people to know Jesus more and to register visit
Come join MSPS for a family friendly night out. We will be having a pajama party and movie night on Friday, March 15th at 7:00 p.m. Clifford’s Big Movie will be the movie for the night. Come in your pj’s or comfy clothes and enjoy the movie and some snacks all for free!
Montgomery Street Preschool will be having its registration open house for the 2013/2014 school year on Thursday, March 14 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Classes will be offered for 2, 3 and 4/5 year olds. Come to the open house to meet the teachers and see the classrooms. Registrations will be available on March 1st if you would like to register before the open house. If you have questions or want more information call the preschool at 641-842-2193.
Sunday, March 17 come between services and get your St. Patrick’s Day treats and support the youth as they prepare for their mission trip to Denver, Colorado.
If you still have pop cans that you would like to donate to the Youth, contact one of the youth members or Katie and Brian. The can collection will continue for a couple more weeks.
March 3 – 4 to 6 @ church
March 10 – 4 to 6 @ church
March 17 – 4 to 6 @ church
March 24 – No youth –
Spring Break
March 31 – No youth –
Happy Easter
I would like to thank everyone for their wonderful prayers, cards and calls during my recent surgery. They were all very much appreciated. We truly felt the support of your Christian love. God bless you. Darlene Rose
Thank you to all my church friends for the cards, prayers, and phone calls. Also to Pastor Brent and Mary for their visits while I was in the hospital. Doris Werts
Thank you ladies who helped deliver Valentine remembrances to our shut-ins February 14th. Everything went along smoothly. I appreciate your taking time to do this. God Bless. Frances Kirkwood
Dear Family and Friends, Words cannot express my gratitude and thankfulness to your words of encouragement and the prayers. May God bless you all. Cheryl and Brian
Thank you for partnering with the Society of St. Andrew to feed hungry children and adults here in the United States. We have received your gifts total $672.88. I am pleased to send you a partner certificate to recognize your significant investment in our ministry. Society of St. Andrew
Condolences to the family of Wilma Wagner on her passing.
Condolences to Hubert Hollingshead and family on the passing of his sister.
Condolences to Bev Steger and family on the passing of her sister.
Congratulations to Doris and George Werts who will celebrate their 68th wedding anniversary on March 18th!
Our college scholarship endowment fund is used each year to benefit our college bound students with the high cost of education. By supporting the college scholarship endowment, Methodists act as good stewards of donated assets for our young people. The interest received from the college endowment fund is used for scholarships while the principal remains intact allowing gifts received to continue to benefit students for years to come. Contributions to the Annual Spring Scholarship Drive will be split with one-half being added to the college endowment fund while the other half will be available for college bound students in the fall. Please consider a donation to this spring scholarship drive, write “college scholarship” on any gifts given to this fund.

Sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, pumpkins, corn, yogurt, and bananas were distributed to feeding agencies across the country the fourth quarter of 2012. Produce Drops were set up by churches or church groups in South Carolina, Illinois, Georgia, Maryland, Indiana, Iowa, Oklahoma, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. These churches decided to do something about hunger. By sponsoring a Produce Drop they fed people in their community. Churches worked hard to organize the event, maybe even a year ahead of time. Calls were made to find homes for the potatoes and to find volunteers to work the event, and preparing the parking lot to receive a 50’ tractor trailer on their property is a lot of organizing. Off-loading equipment had been secured ahead of time or many volunteers were gathered to unload the truck by hand. A schedule had been made ahead of time for the receiving agencies to pick up their potatoes. Many times, rolls of plastic mesh were made into bags ahead of the drop, just waiting to be filled with potatoes. Church folks look forward to these events even when they begin at 6 a.m. in cold fall and winter temperatures. Amazement fills the eyes of those who have never seen a tractor-trailer load of potatoes. Hearts may skip a beat with the thought: “what in the world are we going to do with that many potatoes?” In a few hours, feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment come to the volunteers, knowing that good nutritious food has been salvaged and many hungry people will have food on their plates. Mission accomplished!
The MSPS Spring Hoagie Sale will be held from March 3 through March 14. Six-inch hoagie sandwiches filled with ham, roast beef, turkey and cheese for just $3.50. Fill out the enclosed form or contact Katie Bishop at the preschool 842-2193. Hoagie production night will be Thursday, March 21 and orders may be picked up after 6 pm.
Good Friday Day Camp is coming up on Friday, March 29 from 9 until 12. Registration will start at 8:45. The event is open to anyone ages 3 through 5th grade. Groups will be split by age so younger kids will be together and older kids will be together. The enclosed registration form can be used or pick up one at the church. Pre-registration by March 25 is encouraged but not necessary as registrations will be taken at the door. This is a great event for FUMC to teach children of the community the true meaning of Easter!
Wednesday, February 20 – Wednesday, March 20
(Meal 5:45 to 6:30 p.m.) (Devotion 6:30 to 7:00 p.m.)
March 9, Saturday, 7:00pm, Living Last Supper, Sanctuary
March 24, Palm Saturday/Sunday, Regular worship times
March 28, 7:00pm Maundy Thursday service
March 29, 7:00pm Good Friday service
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