Health has become a national concern. Never before have so many worried about it. For some, the worry leads to frequent examination of the latest food research. This motivates an endless pursuit of foods with the best nutritional value, the lowest fat content and the least carcinogenic contamination from additives or the environment. And of course, the regular jog, power walk or aerobics is a must.
Our health is not simply a matter of the condition of our bodies alone or the state of our minds alone or the richness of our relationships alone or personal spiritual experience alone. It is all of these and none of these alone. A healthy person is someone on a journey in which they move closer and closer to what the Old Testament calls shalom, often translated "peace." The word describes a condition of physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing. A person living in God's shalom experiences what it means to live as God created them to live. They are not perfect in every way, but they are on the way.
On February 17 I will be starting a new preaching series entitled: Soul Detox. We will look at themes that shed light on relationships, thoughts, and behaviors that quietly compromise our well-being. This five-week church series is designed to help people get free from all the toxins that weigh down their souls and to become even more committed to Christ.
Preaching themes include: Lethal Language: Experiencing the Power of Life-Giving Words; Scare Pollution: Unlocking the Chokehold of Fear; Radioactive Relationships: Loving Unhealthy People without Getting Sick; Septic Thoughts: Overcoming Our False Beliefs; Germ Warfare: Cleansing Our Lives of Cultural Toxins.
Plan to join us for this Lenten journey.
On Sunday, February 3 the Youth Group will be taking collections for “Souper Bowl of Caring” all donations will go to Helping Hands here in Knoxville. The congregation is asked to bring either non-perishable food donations or cash for the kettles.
On Sunday, February 10 the Youth will be holding a pop can drive from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the church garage on 4th Street. Bring your cans anytime between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. or call Brian and Katie Bishop at 828-6933 if you need someone to pick up the cans. All proceeds will be going toward the Youth Mission Trip to Denver.
A special Ash Wednesday Service will be held at FUMC on Wednesday, February 13 at 7:00 p.m.
Beginning Wednesday, February 20, there will be a light meal served in WFH from 5:45-6:30 p.m. followed by a 30 minute devotional presented by FUMC lay speakers from the lectionary series “Following The Way”. These Lenten devotionals will continue subsequently each Wednesday of Lent through March 20th.

Helpers for this great event are needed. Please contact Katie Bishop if you are interested in helping teach children from our community the true meaning of Easter. More details to come in March.
Thanks to everyone that supported our first bake sale!! The Youth will be holding bake sales on February 17 and again on March 17. Make plans now to get some awesome home-made goodies on those days!!! If you have any special requests make sure to tell a youth member!! Proceeds from the bake sales are going to the Mission Trip to Denver.
Youth through Easter:
· Feb. 3 – 3 to 5 – Bring Super Bowl Snacks
· Feb. 10 – 3 to 6 (Pop Can Drive from 3 to 5)
· Feb. 17 – 4 to 6
· Feb. 24 – 4 to 6
· March 3 – 4 to 6
· March 10 – 4 to 6
· March 17 – 4 to 6 (Possibly 3 to 7 with trip to Wesley Woods’ Ignite Program)
· March 24 – No Youth – Have a safe Spring Break!!
The Giving Tree gifts were delivered on Dec. 22. Another successful year. Thanks to Joel Johnson for helping deliver on Friday and to Dick and Lily Sterling for helping on Saturday. To Pastor Lane, Heather and Tim for all their help at the church. Again, we helped 9 families this year. They are all very appreciative. Thanks to the congregation for making my project so easy and enjoyable. Bev Sterling
Pastor Lane would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, and calls of concern during my recent surgery and recovery process.
Condolences to the family of Lela Todd on her passing.
Condolences to the family of Ben Smith, Jr. on his passing.
Condolences to the family William “Chick” Rankin on his passing.
Condolences to the family of Dorothy Templeton on her passing.
Congratulations to Joel and Barb Johnson on the birth of their new grandson, Matthew Joel!
Congratulations to Pat Marconi on the birth of her new great granddaughter, Arabella Rose!
What a blessing we have been to those in need. We have fulfilled the teaching of Acts 20:35 remember that Jesus taught that it is more blessed to give than receive. Thank you for your generosity and care. A total of $4309.80 was received for the Special Holiday Giving. Which breaks down to the following:
· $1436.60 Neighbor Helping Neighbor
· $1436.60 Malawi Conference
· $1436.60 to Scholarships – ($718.30 to Basketball Academy & $718.30 to Montgomery Street Preschool).
The Practice of the Presence of God, with Spiritual Maxims:
A classic of practical devotion by Brother Lawrence.
The spiritual secrets of a humble brother who enjoyed closeness with God: “at any moment and in any circumstance, the soul that seeks God may find Him, and practice the presence of God.”
Brother Lawrence, a seventeenth-century French monk, learned to practice the presence of God at all times. And you can, too. The book reveals how to practice God's presence and see His glory in every facet of your life. The Practice of the Presence of God is a collection of documented conversations and letters that reveal the heart of this humble man. He wrote, "The time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen ... I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament." Brother Lawrence's wisdom and spiritual insights have helped bring people closer to God for more than three centuries. The Spiritual Maxims of Brother Lawrence, a lesser known but equally outstanding work, is a summary of his teachings. Throughout, he develops one great theme, best expressed by the psalmist, "In Thy Presence is fullness of joy."
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