Thursday, February 9, 2012


Enter to Worship, Depart to Serve

We invite you to sign the worship registry at the end of each row and pass it on to others in your pew, then pass the book back. 

Our Mission:  "To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."



      Leader:     Each morning, each day, our thoughts turn toward God.  
      People:    We come, trusting in our Father’s steadfast love.  We gather, seeking the way of salvation and peace.  
      Leader:     God has made an everlasting covenant with us.  
      People:    Let us proclaim God’s faithfulness to all generations.  May God provide what we need to grow in Christ. 

+OPENING HYMN         “Jesus Loves Me”                    #191

Time with Young Disciples

HYMN                        “Blessed Assurance”                       #369

SCRIPTURES          Revelations 3:14—22

MESSAGE “How to Go Beyond Being a Lukewarm Christian”

As forgiven and reconciled people, let us offer ourselves and our gifts to God.  

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  Amen.


+ CLOSING HYMN      “Standing on the Promises”     #374



(+) Those who are able are invited to stand. 


1.       You might be a redneck if…you have ever used a spit can.
2.       You might be a lukewarm Christian if…
a. _______ in worship attendance. (Isa. 29:13)
b._______ not a tither. (Micah 3:8-12)
c. More concerned about what ______ think rather than what God thinks. (Luke6:26)
d. Don’t take ______ seriously. (Rom. 6:1-2)
e. Rarely share their ________with others. (Matt.10:32-33)
f. Think about life on earth more then _______with God in heaven. (Col.3:2)
g. Play it safe rather than stepping out in ________. (Matt.10:28)
h. Think more about your _______K, then Jesus. (Luke 18:21-25)
i. Don’t know any ______ people. (Matt.25:34,40)
j. Aren’t that different then _________. (Matt.23:25-28)
3.       Like a glass of warm spit. (Revelations 3:16)
4.       Lukewarmness is the inevitable result of lack of ________ for God.
5.       The solution is not to push yourself to try ________, the solution is to ________your love for God.
6.       Spit busters.  Growing your ______for God.
a. Spending ______with God.
b. Making Jesus your _______priority.
c. _______ on the Holy Spirit.
7.       Remember your ________love. (Rev. 2:1-7)

Questions to consider:
1.       Would you describe yourself as totally in love with Jesus?  Or do words like half-hearted, lukewarm, partially committed fit better?
2.       Have you ever experienced a love for God so intense that it would lead you to do whatever He wanted for His sake?
3.       What desires are stronger than your desire for God?
4.       What barriers in life keep you from loving God as you ought?
5.       How can you overcome those barriers?
6.       What can you do to cultivate a stronger love for God?
7.       It is impossible to overcome tendencies toward lukewarmness by simply trying harder.  We need God’s power and God’s spirit. Spend time simply enjoying God’s presence and asking Him to come near to you.

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