RECOVERING AT HOME: Maxine Lister, Bob Hutzell, Lela Todd, and Ruth Willis.
ADDITIONAL PRAYERS: Rita Hayes, Bob Jahner, Thurman Floyd, Maxine Harrison, Betty McLaughlin, Dorothy Porter, Mary Durham, and our service people and their families.
Contact Dorothy Danner at 641-842-2557.
SUNDAY is the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning Christian new year and our preparation season for the birth of Jesus, God incarnate, at Christmas. This year again we have for your spiritual practice Advent Devotionals from the Society of Saint Andrews. They can be picked up in the west entry area between the sanctuary and the church office.
SUNDAY is UM Student Day. United Methodist Student Day supports United Methodist scholarships and the United Methodist Student Loan Fund.
Heifer’s mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the earth. By giving families a hand-up, not just a hand-out, we empower them to turn lives of hunger and poverty into self reliance and hope. A special collection is taken the fourth weekend of every month.
Alter flowers for the weekend of November 21st were given by Lana Rankin and her sisters in memory of their parents, Louise and LaVerne Rankin.
The Harvest Dinner was a great success, serving well over 225 people and raising $700 for Montgomery Street Preschool. The funds will provide several scholarships and needed supplies for the children. The school must be privately funded because Montgomery Street Preschool is a non-denominational faith based curriculum for students from 2 to5 years of age.
If you were in church Sunday or have been around the square during Living Windows or just downtown recently you might have noticed some music playing at noon and five o’clock each day. The bells are also tolling on the hour and half hour from nine to seven each day. The First United Methodist Church will be providing the music and bell tolling for the enjoyment of the church family and the community. In the past the church bell tower played hourly. J.L. Collins purchased the first tape system way back when, but it has been broken for a long time. Thanks to the generosity of our congregation donating to the new sound system and Memorial funds left over, the church was able to purchase a new carillon system. Christmas music will begin playing on December 15th. If the community is interested, we have the option of providing more music at different times of the day during the Christmas season. We will also have the option of playing the bells inside the church once installation is completed.
To date, $787 has been received for the special Thanksgiving offering.
There will be a special church council meeting on December 12th at 11:50a following second church service to take action on the 2011 budget.
F.U.N. PLANNING MEETING A meeting for all church members interested in outreach ministries through the Fellowship Uniting Neighbors will be meeting following 2nd services on Sunday Dec. 5th at 11:45 in WFH. Lunch will be provided. We will be reviewing past activities and planning outreach church activities for 2011. This meeting is to gather new ideas with no commitments. If you have any new ideas or projects to reach out to our neighbors - jot them down– bring to the meeting and invite possible new members.
Signup sheets are available in
the main entry or contact
Merna Furney at 842-3072 if
you would like to sign up for
bell ringing!
LECTIONARY: December 4-5
Isa. 11:1-10 Ps. 72:1-7 18-19 Rom. 15:4-13 Matt. 3:1-12
November 20-21
Worship attendance: 201
Giving: $4670.81
Sunday November 28, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
9:45-10:30a New Member Class –
Monday November 29, 2010
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
Tuesday November30, 2010
7:00a Early Birds— Hardee’s
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
7:00p Junior Optimist – YR
Wednesday December 1, 2010
Noon Wings – Conf Room
4:30p Girl Scouts
5:30p Sound Training
5:45p Bell Choir Practice
Thursday December 2, 2010
8:00a Late Birds – Mr. C’s
Friday December 3, 2010
7:00p Brian Hanson Concert
Saturday December 4, 2010
5:30p Chapel Service
Sunday December 5, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
9:45-10:30a New Member Class - Library
11:45A F.U.N. Planning Mtg – WFH
6:30-8:00p Confirmation Class – EFH
We welcome you and invite you to participate in all activities of the church. Listed are all of the events taking place in our church this week. We realize that newcomers may not be familiar with all the programs or people of the church so for explanations and more complete descriptions we encourage you to visit our website at, or email, or call 641-842-3712.
We are family friendly with a well equipped nursery, a full play room, and bathroom for your use. Please feel free to use our family oriented nursery. These areas are sound proof from the sanctuary, but you can turn on the speakers and hear the service if you would like. Large print bulletins are available for the 8:30 service.
Assisting with Services: Liturgist: Bonnie Crook & Praise Band
Saturday – Shirley and Brenton Trabert
8:30 – Larry and RoseAnn Rowley
10:45 – Diane, Emily and Kate Redden
Saturday - Brenton and Shirley Trabert & Mike and Dorothy Larson
8:30 – Kevin Crawford, Marion Friday, Benny Mott, Chick Rankin, Timothy Shepherd, and Jonathan Wilson
10:45 – Barb and Joel Johnson and Joyce Gillaspie
Montgomery Street
8:30 – Judy Paulsen
10:45 – Elmer and Evelyn Pearson
Fourth Street
8:30 – Marvin and Joyce Brooks
8:30 – Merna Furney and George Werts
8:30 – Francis Kirkwood
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
SYMPATHY: Condolences to the Norm and Donna Norton family for the loss of Norm’s sister.
HOSPITALIZED: Francs Caswell and Bob Sherwood.
RECOVERING AT HOME: Maxine Lister, Bob Hutzell, Lela Todd, and Ruth Willis.
ADDITIONAL PRAYERS: Rita Hayes, Bob Jahner, Thurman Floyd, Rita Hayes, Maxine Harrison, Betty McLaughlin, Dorothy Porter, Mary Durham, and our service people and their families.
Contact Dorothy Danner at 641-842-2557.
On Sunday - Alter flowers provided by Lana Rankin honoring her mother and father, Louise and Pat Rankin.
On Sunday - There will be an Ecumenical Thanksgiving service at St. Anthony’s at 7:00 p.m. on November 21st. A special community offering will be taken for KAMA.
Today is Christ The King Sunday. This is the last Sunday of the Christian year, its traditional Christian theme is a celebration of the coming reign of Jesus Christ and the completion of creation. Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning Christian new year and our preparation season for the birth of Jesus, God incarnate, at Christmas. This year again we have for your spiritual practice Advent Devotionals from the Society of Saint Andrews. They can be picked up in the west entry area between the sanctuary and the church office.
FUMC office will be closed Thursday, November 25 and Friday, November 26.
Thank you to Ruth Dykstra for the beautiful dried flower arrangements on the
alter the past few weeks.
Our confirmation class collected $610 for this fall’s crop walk to battle hunger.
Thank you to those who walked in the crop walk as well as those who donated to
the walk. Our church was able to contribute $610 out of the approximately
$3000 total raised. Of the total collected, 25% of the funds go to Helping Hands
with the remainder going to Church World Service.
Signup sheets are available in the main entry or contact Merna Furney
at 842-3072 if you would like to sign up for bell ringing!
Stop by wfh Sunday Dec. 5th following 2nd service for lunch at around 11:45. The annual brain storming session provides an opportunity for ALL to input ideas on possible outreach missions for our church. We will be planning the 2011 F.U.N. calendar to reach out to our friends, neighbors and community. If you have any ideas and/or would like to learn more about this outreach program please make plans to attend. This is only a one meeting commitment. Lunch will be provided.
Volunteers are needed as ushers for the 8:30 a.m. service. If you are willing to serve either as a regular usher or as a substitute, contact Jack Crook at 641-828-8750.
In an effort to have the monthly “Link” completed, mailed out, and received in a timely manner, we ask that you please have all of your information that you would like to be included in the “Link” submitted by the 20th of the month prior to publication. You may e-mail it to or drop it by the church office.
LECTIONARY: November 27-28Isa. 2:1-5 Ps. 122 Rom. 13:11-14 Matt. 24:36-44
November 13-14
Worship attendance: 198
Giving: $3727
Sunday November 21, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
2:30-4:30p FUMC Hosting Charge
7:00p Confirmation Class – Thanksgiving Service at St. Anthony’s
Monday November 22, 2010
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
6:00-7:30p Free Clinic – Act Cntr
6:00-8:30p Habitat for Humanity - EFH
Tuesday November 23, 2010
7:00a Early Birds— Hardee’s
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
6:00-9:00p Positive Solutions - WFH
7:00 p Junior Optimist – YR
Wednesday November 24, 2010
Noon Wings – Conf Room
5:45p Bell Choir Practice
Thursday November 25, 2010
Friday November 26, 2010
Saturday November 27, 2010
9:00-11:30a Deck the Halls
5:30p Chapel Service
Sunday November 28, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
Heifer Project
UM Student Day
9:30a Sunday School
9:45-10:30a New Member Class - Library
We welcome you and invite you to participate in all activities of the church. Listed are all of the events taking place in our church this week. We realize that newcomers may not be familiar with all the programs or people of the church so for explanations and more complete descriptions we encourage you to visit our website at, or email, or call 641-842-3712.
We are family friendly with a well equipped nursery, a full play room, and bathroom for your use. Please feel free to use our family oriented nursery. These areas are sound proof from the sanctuary, but you can turn on the speakers and hear the service if you would like. Large print bulletins are available for the 8:30 service.
Assisting with Services: Liturgist: Jack Crook &Praise Band
Saturday - Brenton and Shirley Trabert & Mike and Dorothy Larson
8:30 – Kevin Crawford, Marion Friday, Benny Mott, Chick Rankin, Timothy Shepherd, Jonathan Wilson
10:45 – Barb and Joel Johnson and Joyce Gillaspie
Montgomery Street
8:30 – Jake and Erika DeGeest
10:45 – Bomell Mateer
Fourth Street
8:30 – Evelyn Bachman
8:30 – Marion and Susan Friday
8:30 – Rodgers
SYMPATHY: Condolences to the Norm and Donna Norton family for the loss of Norm’s sister.
HOSPITALIZED: Francs Caswell and Bob Sherwood.
RECOVERING AT HOME: Maxine Lister, Bob Hutzell, Lela Todd, and Ruth Willis.
ADDITIONAL PRAYERS: Rita Hayes, Bob Jahner, Thurman Floyd, Rita Hayes, Maxine Harrison, Betty McLaughlin, Dorothy Porter, Mary Durham, and our service people and their families.
Contact Dorothy Danner at 641-842-2557.
On Sunday - Alter flowers provided by Lana Rankin honoring her mother and father, Louise and Pat Rankin.
On Sunday - There will be an Ecumenical Thanksgiving service at St. Anthony’s at 7:00 p.m. on November 21st. A special community offering will be taken for KAMA.
Today is Christ The King Sunday. This is the last Sunday of the Christian year, its traditional Christian theme is a celebration of the coming reign of Jesus Christ and the completion of creation. Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning Christian new year and our preparation season for the birth of Jesus, God incarnate, at Christmas. This year again we have for your spiritual practice Advent Devotionals from the Society of Saint Andrews. They can be picked up in the west entry area between the sanctuary and the church office.
FUMC office will be closed Thursday, November 25 and Friday, November 26.
Thank you to Ruth Dykstra for the beautiful dried flower arrangements on the
alter the past few weeks.
Our confirmation class collected $610 for this fall’s crop walk to battle hunger.
Thank you to those who walked in the crop walk as well as those who donated to
the walk. Our church was able to contribute $610 out of the approximately
$3000 total raised. Of the total collected, 25% of the funds go to Helping Hands
with the remainder going to Church World Service.
Signup sheets are available in the main entry or contact Merna Furney
at 842-3072 if you would like to sign up for bell ringing!
Stop by wfh Sunday Dec. 5th following 2nd service for lunch at around 11:45. The annual brain storming session provides an opportunity for ALL to input ideas on possible outreach missions for our church. We will be planning the 2011 F.U.N. calendar to reach out to our friends, neighbors and community. If you have any ideas and/or would like to learn more about this outreach program please make plans to attend. This is only a one meeting commitment. Lunch will be provided.
Volunteers are needed as ushers for the 8:30 a.m. service. If you are willing to serve either as a regular usher or as a substitute, contact Jack Crook at 641-828-8750.
In an effort to have the monthly “Link” completed, mailed out, and received in a timely manner, we ask that you please have all of your information that you would like to be included in the “Link” submitted by the 20th of the month prior to publication. You may e-mail it to or drop it by the church office.
LECTIONARY: November 27-28Isa. 2:1-5 Ps. 122 Rom. 13:11-14 Matt. 24:36-44
November 13-14
Worship attendance: 198
Giving: $3727
Sunday November 21, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
2:30-4:30p FUMC Hosting Charge
7:00p Confirmation Class – Thanksgiving Service at St. Anthony’s
Monday November 22, 2010
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
6:00-7:30p Free Clinic – Act Cntr
6:00-8:30p Habitat for Humanity - EFH
Tuesday November 23, 2010
7:00a Early Birds— Hardee’s
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
6:00-9:00p Positive Solutions - WFH
7:00 p Junior Optimist – YR
Wednesday November 24, 2010
Noon Wings – Conf Room
5:45p Bell Choir Practice
Thursday November 25, 2010
Friday November 26, 2010
Saturday November 27, 2010
9:00-11:30a Deck the Halls
5:30p Chapel Service
Sunday November 28, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
Heifer Project
UM Student Day
9:30a Sunday School
9:45-10:30a New Member Class - Library
We welcome you and invite you to participate in all activities of the church. Listed are all of the events taking place in our church this week. We realize that newcomers may not be familiar with all the programs or people of the church so for explanations and more complete descriptions we encourage you to visit our website at, or email, or call 641-842-3712.
We are family friendly with a well equipped nursery, a full play room, and bathroom for your use. Please feel free to use our family oriented nursery. These areas are sound proof from the sanctuary, but you can turn on the speakers and hear the service if you would like. Large print bulletins are available for the 8:30 service.
Assisting with Services: Liturgist: Jack Crook &Praise Band
Saturday - Brenton and Shirley Trabert & Mike and Dorothy Larson
8:30 – Kevin Crawford, Marion Friday, Benny Mott, Chick Rankin, Timothy Shepherd, Jonathan Wilson
10:45 – Barb and Joel Johnson and Joyce Gillaspie
Montgomery Street
8:30 – Jake and Erika DeGeest
10:45 – Bomell Mateer
Fourth Street
8:30 – Evelyn Bachman
8:30 – Marion and Susan Friday
8:30 – Rodgers
Monday, November 15, 2010

HOSPITALIZED: Mike Sullivan, Francis Caswell and Bob Sherwood.
RECOVERING AT HOME: Maxine Lister, Bob Hutzell, Lela Todd, and Ruth Willis.
ADDITIONAL PRAYERS: Rita Hayes, Bob Jahner, Thurman Floyd, Rita Hayes, Maxine Harrison, Betty McLaughlin, Dorothy Porter, Mary Durham, and our service people and their families.
Contact Dorothy Danner at 641-842-2557.
If you would like to sign up for the e-prayer chain to receive an e-mail any time a request is made for a prayer, please contact Heather at or 641-842-3712 with your name and e-mail information.
CROP WALK: November 14th
Make a contribution to this wonderful cause. The confirmation class will be walking & collecting in the gathering area east of the sanctuary the next three weekends.
The second weekend of the month is food donation weekend. Please be a part of this wonderful ministry by dropping off your canned goods and/or other nonperishable items in the basket in the Narthex.
The November edition of the Lower Lights (from the South Central District Office) is available in the chapel as well as on the table in the main entrance of the church.
RECOVERING AT HOME: Maxine Lister, Bob Hutzell, Lela Todd, and Ruth Willis.
ADDITIONAL PRAYERS: Rita Hayes, Bob Jahner, Thurman Floyd, Rita Hayes, Maxine Harrison, Betty McLaughlin, Dorothy Porter, Mary Durham, and our service people and their families.
Contact Dorothy Danner at 641-842-2557.
If you would like to sign up for the e-prayer chain to receive an e-mail any time a request is made for a prayer, please contact Heather at or 641-842-3712 with your name and e-mail information.

Make a contribution to this wonderful cause. The confirmation class will be walking & collecting in the gathering area east of the sanctuary the next three weekends.
The second weekend of the month is food donation weekend. Please be a part of this wonderful ministry by dropping off your canned goods and/or other nonperishable items in the basket in the Narthex.
The November edition of the Lower Lights (from the South Central District Office) is available in the chapel as well as on the table in the main entrance of the church.

Mary Durham is now home and would like to thank the congregation and Art Hill for the prayers and visits.
The kids were able to make their goal and a pump was able to be purchased. Thank you to all of those who contributed. Also, great job kids. A total of $521.14 was collected.
If you are interested in performing with the Community Choir at the Thanksgiving Service on November 21st, please come to rehearsal at St. Anthony’s on November 17th from 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Volunteers are needed as usher for the 8:30 a.m. service. If you are willing to serve either as a regular usher or as a substitute, contact Jack Crook at 641-828-8750.
On Saturday, December 4th, 8am to 1pm Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is holding their Christmas Bizaar at 1506 South Attica Road, Knoxville.
Cokesbury is having its fall sale on November 18, 19, and 20 where all in-store purchases are 20% off.
Homebuilders party will be at Godfather’s on November 18th at 11:30a.
Come see the preschool children and the bell choir as they participate in Living Windows, Thursday November 18th on the Knoxville square 5:30-8:00p with the parade at 7:30p.
The preschool students will be making decorations that will be used to decorate the MSPS tree in the school house at the Marion County Park for the Festival of Trees on Saturday, November 20 and Sunday, November 21. Be sure to vote for our tree if you visit the festival!
Brian Hanson (pianist/humorist from Nashville, TN) will be performing a Christmas Concert on Friday, December 3, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at FUMC.

We are in need of a coordinator for our Thanksgiving mission baskets. This person will work with SHARE and Helping Hands to help us distribute approximately 20+ baskets for families in need during the Thanksgiving season. Persons interested are to please contact the office. Faith forum class is coordinating it this year but we do need a coordinator for future years.
For those of you wishing to contribute money towards the Thanksgiving Baskets, please indicate this on your Love Offering envelope.
LECTIONARY: November 20-21Jer. 23:1-6 Luke 1:68-79 Col. 1:11-20 Luke 23:33-43
November 6-7, 2010
Worship attendance: 214
Giving: $9509.01

8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
Commitment Wkd
Cinnamon Roll Sun.
Food Donation Wkd.
1:00p Crop Walk – High School
Monday November 15, 2010
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act. Cntr
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
6:30-7:30p Committee Meetings
7:30-8:30p Admin. Board Mtg - WFH
7:30-8:30p Historical Society – Act. Cntr
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act. Cntr
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
6:30-7:30p Committee Meetings
7:30-8:30p Admin. Board Mtg - WFH
7:30-8:30p Historical Society – Act. Cntr
Tuesday November 16, 2010
7:00a Early Birds— Hardee’s
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
4:00-8:00p Habitat Fund Drive - EFH
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
6:00-9:00p Positive Solutions - WFH
7:00 p Junior Optimist – YR
7:00a Early Birds— Hardee’s
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
4:00-8:00p Habitat Fund Drive - EFH
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
6:00-9:00p Positive Solutions - WFH
7:00 p Junior Optimist – YR
Wednesday November 17, 2010
Noon Wings – Conference Room
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act Center
4:00-8:00p Habitat Fund Drive - EFH
5:45p Bell Choir Practice
Noon Wings – Conference Room
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act Center
4:00-8:00p Habitat Fund Drive - EFH
5:45p Bell Choir Practice
Thursday November 18, 2010
8:00a Late Birds— Mr. C’s
11:30a-12:30p Homebuilders – Godfather’s
5:30-8:00p Living Windows –
Knoxville Square
7:30-8:00p Lighted Parade –
Knoxville Square
7:00-8:00p Rebecca Circle – EFH
8:00a Late Birds— Mr. C’s
11:30a-12:30p Homebuilders – Godfather’s
5:30-8:00p Living Windows –
Knoxville Square
7:30-8:00p Lighted Parade –
Knoxville Square
7:00-8:00p Rebecca Circle – EFH
Friday November 19, 2010
9:00a-4:00p Almost Free Shop
6:00p Fall Harvest Dinner – FUN at FUMC
9:00a-4:00p Almost Free Shop
6:00p Fall Harvest Dinner – FUN at FUMC
Saturday November 20, 2010
5:30p Chapel Service
5:30p Chapel Service
Sunday November 21, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
9:45-10:30a New Member Class - Library
2:30-4:30p FUMC Hosting Charge
7:00p Confirmation Class – Thanksgiving Service at St. Anthony’s
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
9:45-10:30a New Member Class - Library
2:30-4:30p FUMC Hosting Charge
7:00p Confirmation Class – Thanksgiving Service at St. Anthony’s

We welcome you and invite you to participate in all activities of the church. Listed are all of the events taking place in our church this week. We realize that newcomers may not be familiar with all the programs or people of the church so for explanations and more complete descriptions we encourage you to visit our website at, or email, or call 641-842-3712.
We are family friendly with a well equipped nursery, a full play room, and bathroom for your use. Please feel free to use our family oriented nursery. These areas are sound proof from the sanctuary, but you can turn on the speakers and hear the service if you would like. Large print bulletins are available for the 8:30 service.

USHERS: Saturday - Brenton and Shirley Trabert & Mike and Dorothy Larson8:30 – Kevin Crawford, Marion Friday, Benny Mott, Chick Rankin, Timothy Shepherd, and Jonathan Wilson10:45 – Barb and Joel Johnson and Joyce Gillaspie
GREETERS:Montgomery Street8:30 – Hugh and Marcia Glissman10:45 – Carolyn Avon Fourth Street8:30 – Gordon and Janna Kassel
COMMUNION:8:30 – Sharon and Jim Young
Monday, November 8, 2010

RECOVERING AT HOME: Maxine Lister, Bob Hutzell, Lela Todd, Rita Hayes, Ruth Willis, Bob Jahner, and Evelyn Bachman.
ADDITIONAL PRAYERS: Thurman Floyd, Terry Fenoglio, Maxine Harrison, Betty McLaughlin, Dorothy Porter, Mary Durham, and our service people and their families.
PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRYContact Dorothy Danner at 641-842-2557.
E-PRAYER CHAIN If you would like to sign up for the e-prayer chain to receive an e-mail any time a request is made for a prayer, please contact Heather at or 641-842-3712 with your name and e-mail information.

NEIGHBOR HELPING NEIGHBOR COLLECTIONA special collection is taken the first weekend of every month. These funds go through KAMA to help community needs. Please mark your check memo and/or envelope to identify this purpose if you would like to contribute.
INGATHERING Under the guidance of Loretta Kono, First United Methodist Church has 539 kits for this year’s Thanksgiving InGathering. The cash value of our Thanksgiving Ingathering for this year is $8799 plus toothpaste costs and shipping costs of $1381. Money is still needed for shipping and toothpaste costs.

To my church friends: Thank you to Pastor Lane for his visit and calls. Also, to all who gave food and support in anyway after the loss of my husband, Rich? God Bless, Margaret Edwards
NEXT WEEKEND IS FOOD DONATION The second weekend of the month is food donation weekend.
THANKSGIVING BASKETS For those of you wishing to contribute money towards the Thanksgiving Baskets, please indicate this on your Love Offering envelope. UNICEF This past Saturday 20 young disciples and 7 adults in 6 groups gathered for fun and service as they went around the community neighborhoods collecting money for UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund). Fun was had by all and a great feeling of satisfaction was gain in knowing the funds raised will benefit those in need. We thank all who contributed. $444.14 was gathered just short of our goal of $500, enough to buys a water pump for a whole community. Though we did rise over $257, which provides an emergency classroom kits for 40 kids. Great Job! If you did receive a visit from one of the church youth collecting last Sunday and would like to contribute make a check UNICEF or a pew (Love) envelope the same.

We are in need of a coordinator for our Thanksgiving mission baskets. This person will work with SHARE and Helping Hands to help us distribute approximately 20+ baskets for families in need during the Thanksgiving season. Persons interested are to please contact the office.
Jar mixes for sale to raise money for scholarships: Fruited rice, pantry grain pancakes, chicken soup, bean soup, and sand art brownie jars are for sale at 5 per jar. They will be sold between church services on November 7th. They are great for gifts or for home meals. Kay Jensen
CROP WALK: November 14th
Make a contribution to this wonderful cause. The confirmation class will be walking & collecting in the gathering area east of the sanctuary the next two weekends.
LECTIONARY: November 13-14Isa. 65:17-25 Isa 12 or Ps. 118 2 Thess.3:6-13 Luke 21:5-19
October 30-31, 2010
Worship attendance: 191
Giving: $4217.30

1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act. Center
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
6:00-7:30p Free Clinic – Act Ctr
Tuesday November 9, 2010
7:00a Early Birds—
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
6:00-9:00p Positive Solutions - WFH
7:00 p Junior Optimist – YR
Wednesday November 10, 2010
9:30-10:30a Naomi Circle - EFH
Noon Wings – Conference
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act Center
5:45p Bell Choir
Thursday November 11, 2010
8:00a Late Birds— Mr. C’s
9:00-10:00a Rachel Circle – Sally’s
6:00-7:00p Rebecca Circle – EFH
6:30-7:30p Education Cluster –
Friday November 12, 2010
9:00a-4:00p Almost Free Shop
Saturday November 13, 2010
5:30p Chapel Service
Sunday November 14, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
Cinnamon Roll Sunday
Food Donation
1:00p Crop Walk – High

We welcome you and invite you to participate in all activities of the church. Listed are all of the events taking place in our church this week. We realize that newcomers may not be familiar with all the programs or people of the church so for explanations and more complete descriptions we encourage you to visit our website at, or email, or call 641-842-3712.
We are family friendly with a well equipped nursery, a full play room, and bathroom for your use. Please feel free to use our family oriented nursery. These areas are sound proof from the sanctuary, but you can turn on the speakers and hear the service if you would like. Large print bulletins are available for the 8:30 service.

USHERS:Saturday - Brenton and Shirley Trabert & Mike and Dorothy Larson8:30 – Kevin Crawford, Marion Friday, Benny Mott, Chick Rankin, Timothy Shepherd, and Jonathan Wilson10:45 – Barb and Joel Johnson and Joyce Gillaspie
GREETERS:Montgomery Street8:30 – Derald and Emily Swisher10:45 – Virginia Rayl Fourth Street8:30 – Jim and Robin Butler
COMMUNION: Susan Helmers and Jack Crook
Monday, November 1, 2010
2 Corinthians 9:6-9 (CEV)
6Remember this saying, "A few seeds make a small harvest, but a lot
of seeds make a big harvest." 7Each of you must make up your
own mind about how much to give. But don't feel sorry that you
must give and don't feel that you are forced to give. God loves
people who love to give. 8God can bless you with everything you
need, and you will always have more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others. 9The Scriptures say, "God freely gives his gifts to the poor, and always does right."
What Is "Enough"?
Too often we humans are dissatisfied with our lot. Cultural messages stoke our dissatisfaction, encouraging us to believe that "enough" is just out of reach, and that we need to keep striving for it.
It's a very old problem, one illustrated in a short story published in 1886 by Leo Tolstoy called "How Much Land Does a Man Need?" ( Pahom, a peasant, purchases a small tract of land. The harvest is good. His debts are paid. He is content. But soon he yearns for more.
One day he hears of more land that is offered at "one thousand rubles a day." How much land that would be? "As much as you can go round on your feet in a day," Pahom is told. The next day he sets off at dawn and walks and walks without resting.
As the sun is about to set, he is still far from his starting point. He begins running, his heart beating like a hammer. He reaches his goal just in time and falls to the ground. When a servant comes to help Pahom to his feet, he is dead. "Six feet [of land] from his head to his heels was all he needed," writes Tolstoy.
The good news is that God's "more than enough" is not an offer to indulge in "more, bigger, better." Instead God's abundance turns us toward others. As the 2 Corinthians reminds us: God can bless us with more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others. May you be blessed to bless others through our gracious, generous God who provides more than enough.
Together In Christ,
Pastor Lane
Crop walk is Sunday, November 14th. Crop Walk is Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty which helps fight hunger in Knoxville and around the world. Registration, music, and more is at 1:00 p.m. The walk starts at the Knoxville High School at 1:30. The walk consists of a 3.1 mile route or a “golden mile” for very young or “not so young”. If you would like to donate, forms are available in the church.
Volunteers are needed to help organize the Children and Youth Christmas Program. Contact Cheryl Hennefeld or Katie Bishop if you would be interested in helping.
Persons that are excited about planning and helping with educational activities throughout the life of the church to be members of the Education Cluster. If interested please talk to Pastor Lane, Cheryl Hennefeld, or Katie Bishop.
We are in need of a coordinator for our Thanksgiving mission baskets. This person will work with SHARE and Helping Hands to help us distribute approximately 20+ baskets for families in need during the Thanksgiving season. Persons interested are to please contact the office. PEO
Jar mixes for sale to raise money for scholarships: Fruited rice, pantry grain pancakes, chicken soup, bean soup, and sand art brownie jars are for sale at $5 per jar. They will be sold between church services on November 7th. They are great for gifts or for home meals. Kay Jensen
MSPS HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES Come to see the preschool children and their works as they participate in the following community activities:
Living Windows -Thursday,
Nov. 18th - MSPS will be located in the WIC window on the east side of the square.
Festival of Trees - Saturday and Sunday November 20 and 21 at the Marion County Park - The students will be making decorations that will be used to decorate the MSPS tree in the school house. Be sure to vote for our tree if you visit the festival!
The MSPS students will be having their annual Christmas program on Thursday,
December 16th at 9 am. The students will also be invited to join us at services on Sun., Dec. 19th to sing some of their Christmas songs.
POSITIVE SOLUTIONS There is still time to join the Positive Solutions parenting class. The Class will be meeting on the following Tuesday nights - Oct 26, Nov 2, 9. 16. 23 - from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in West Fellowship Hall. Child Care is provided.
The second F.U.N. event in November will be Decorate the Church for Christmas on November 27th with a 9:00 a.m. free brunch.
AFRICAN CHILDREN’S CHOIR The internationally- acclaimed African Children’s Choir will be performing in Des Moines on Wednesday, November 3, at 7:00 p.m. at Grace Church. The concert is free and open to the public. The African Children’s Choir has performed all over the world, appeared on countless radio/TV
programs, and made numerous appearances with celebrities.
More importantly, African Children’s Choir has provided education and other life-changing resources to literally thousands of children in Nigeria, Sudan, Ghana, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, and South Africa. Their motto is “Helping Africa’s most vulnerable children today, so they can help Africa tomorrow”, sums up their purpose and focus on their many activities. For more information call Grace church at 515-265-0199 or visit
Brian Hanson (pianist/humorist from Nashville, TN) will be performing a Christmas Concert on Friday, December 3, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church. A love offering will be received. Through the vehicles of beautiful piano music, audience participation, and a great sense of humor, Brian does his best to create an atmosphere where God is lifted up and glorified.
When scheduling personal events (anniversaries, reunions, showers, etc.) at the church, please inform Heather if this is to be an open invitation extended to the church family through the bulletin and/or newsletter or if this is a private event and should not be listed in the bulletin and/or newsletter.
Paul spends two whole chapters (8 and 9) in 2 Corinthians rigorously entreating the Corinthian church to give generously for what is known as the Jerusalem collection. [our Stewardship campaign theme: “More Than Enough”], 2 Corinthians 9:6-9, is part of this larger passage. There are at least three salient theological themes that emerge.
6Remember this saying, "A few seeds make a small harvest, but a lot
of seeds make a big harvest." 7Each of you must make up your
own mind about how much to give. But don't feel sorry that you
must give and don't feel that you are forced to give. God loves
people who love to give. 8God can bless you with everything you
need, and you will always have more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others. 9The Scriptures say, "God freely gives his gifts to the poor, and always does right."
What Is "Enough"?
Too often we humans are dissatisfied with our lot. Cultural messages stoke our dissatisfaction, encouraging us to believe that "enough" is just out of reach, and that we need to keep striving for it.
It's a very old problem, one illustrated in a short story published in 1886 by Leo Tolstoy called "How Much Land Does a Man Need?" ( Pahom, a peasant, purchases a small tract of land. The harvest is good. His debts are paid. He is content. But soon he yearns for more.
One day he hears of more land that is offered at "one thousand rubles a day." How much land that would be? "As much as you can go round on your feet in a day," Pahom is told. The next day he sets off at dawn and walks and walks without resting.
As the sun is about to set, he is still far from his starting point. He begins running, his heart beating like a hammer. He reaches his goal just in time and falls to the ground. When a servant comes to help Pahom to his feet, he is dead. "Six feet [of land] from his head to his heels was all he needed," writes Tolstoy.
The good news is that God's "more than enough" is not an offer to indulge in "more, bigger, better." Instead God's abundance turns us toward others. As the 2 Corinthians reminds us: God can bless us with more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others. May you be blessed to bless others through our gracious, generous God who provides more than enough.
Together In Christ,
Pastor Lane
Crop walk is Sunday, November 14th. Crop Walk is Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty which helps fight hunger in Knoxville and around the world. Registration, music, and more is at 1:00 p.m. The walk starts at the Knoxville High School at 1:30. The walk consists of a 3.1 mile route or a “golden mile” for very young or “not so young”. If you would like to donate, forms are available in the church.



Jar mixes for sale to raise money for scholarships: Fruited rice, pantry grain pancakes, chicken soup, bean soup, and sand art brownie jars are for sale at $5 per jar. They will be sold between church services on November 7th. They are great for gifts or for home meals. Kay Jensen
MSPS HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES Come to see the preschool children and their works as they participate in the following community activities:

Nov. 18th - MSPS will be located in the WIC window on the east side of the square.

The MSPS students will be having their annual Christmas program on Thursday,
December 16th at 9 am. The students will also be invited to join us at services on Sun., Dec. 19th to sing some of their Christmas songs.
POSITIVE SOLUTIONS There is still time to join the Positive Solutions parenting class. The Class will be meeting on the following Tuesday nights - Oct 26, Nov 2, 9. 16. 23 - from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in West Fellowship Hall. Child Care is provided.
The first F.U.N. activity in November will be the November 19th Harvest Dinner consisting of ham balls, cheesy potatoes, green beans and pie for a free will donation. The meal will be served in the basement of the First United Methodist Church. The proceeds from the dinner go to help support Montgomery Street Preschool and FUN Committee activities.
The first F.U.N. activity in November will be the November 19th Harvest Dinner consisting of ham balls, cheesy potatoes, green beans and pie for a free will donation. The meal will be served in the basement of the First United Methodist Church. The proceeds from the dinner go to help support Montgomery Street Preschool and FUN Committee activities.


programs, and made numerous appearances with celebrities.
More importantly, African Children’s Choir has provided education and other life-changing resources to literally thousands of children in Nigeria, Sudan, Ghana, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, and South Africa. Their motto is “Helping Africa’s most vulnerable children today, so they can help Africa tomorrow”, sums up their purpose and focus on their many activities. For more information call Grace church at 515-265-0199 or visit
On November 1, 1980, the campus at Westmar College was chosen to plan a day, giving the people the opportunity to share their abundance. On that day, people brought blankets and kits for Church World Service, animals and corn for Heifer Project. Bishop Clymer gave the keynote address. Records show more than 300 clergy and laity attended and raised $44,882 in cash and in-kind gifts. As of 2009 Ingathering over $900,000 in cash and in-kind gifts were donated.
Projects Supported by the Ingathering: CHURCH WORLD SERVICE, SELF-HELP INT’L, IOWA-NIGERIA PARTNERSHIP Layettes, Classroom, Book, Tailoring, and Seed kits are sent to Nigeria, UMCOR DEPOT – BALDWIN, LA: Kits and relief items, donated by churches and individuals, are shipped wherever they are requested to all kinds of disaster spots in the US or worldwide, PET: Personal Energy Transportation (PET) is a sturdy, hand-cranked wheelchair & DISTRICT FOOD PANTRY AGENCIES: In each of the 9 districts has money to distribute to hunger related agencies within the district.
Projects Supported by the Ingathering: CHURCH WORLD SERVICE, SELF-HELP INT’L, IOWA-NIGERIA PARTNERSHIP Layettes, Classroom, Book, Tailoring, and Seed kits are sent to Nigeria, UMCOR DEPOT – BALDWIN, LA: Kits and relief items, donated by churches and individuals, are shipped wherever they are requested to all kinds of disaster spots in the US or worldwide, PET: Personal Energy Transportation (PET) is a sturdy, hand-cranked wheelchair & DISTRICT FOOD PANTRY AGENCIES: In each of the 9 districts has money to distribute to hunger related agencies within the district.

Our condolences to Margaret Edwards and the whole family on the passing of Richard Edwards on Friday, October 8, 2010.
Our condolences to the Shepherd family on the passing of Bill’s mother.

Our condolences to the Shepherd family on the passing of Bill’s mother.
Thank you to everyone that purchased hoagie sandwiches. Your support is greatly appreciated!!
THANK YOU…We would like to thank our Church Family for their prayers, cards, and phone calls. Marion’s heart surgery went well and he is now recovering at home. In appreciation, Marion and Ruth Dykstra
Thank You is only the beginning…
Norman Vincent Peale once wrote: “Each of us has a big piece of good news deep within ourselves—the fact that with God’s help we have what it takes to meet all upsetting situations and to react creatively to them. Always maintain hopefulness especially when the going is hard.” Thank you is only a word and words can’t reveal the deep feelings I have for Pastor Lane and my Church family for the prayers and concerns for arm and hand surgery and recovery. A special thank you to Pastor Brent for getting up really early to drive the van to pick up the Share orders. God’s blessings to you all. Sam Rathmel

THANK YOU…We would like to thank our Church Family for their prayers, cards, and phone calls. Marion’s heart surgery went well and he is now recovering at home. In appreciation, Marion and Ruth Dykstra
Thank You is only the beginning…
Norman Vincent Peale once wrote: “Each of us has a big piece of good news deep within ourselves—the fact that with God’s help we have what it takes to meet all upsetting situations and to react creatively to them. Always maintain hopefulness especially when the going is hard.” Thank you is only a word and words can’t reveal the deep feelings I have for Pastor Lane and my Church family for the prayers and concerns for arm and hand surgery and recovery. A special thank you to Pastor Brent for getting up really early to drive the van to pick up the Share orders. God’s blessings to you all. Sam Rathmel
When scheduling personal events (anniversaries, reunions, showers, etc.) at the church, please inform Heather if this is to be an open invitation extended to the church family through the bulletin and/or newsletter or if this is a private event and should not be listed in the bulletin and/or newsletter.
Paul spends two whole chapters (8 and 9) in 2 Corinthians rigorously entreating the Corinthian church to give generously for what is known as the Jerusalem collection. [our Stewardship campaign theme: “More Than Enough”], 2 Corinthians 9:6-9, is part of this larger passage. There are at least three salient theological themes that emerge.
First, the strongest reason Paul provides for his petition for generosity is this: God is the source of generosity who abundantly provides the means to be generous (9:8). Paul is not asking the Corinthians to give generously as if they were the initiator and the source of generosity. God is the abundant provider who gives the Corinthians more than enough in order to be generous. Since God is the source and the means of generosity, giving generously is a matter of trusting God.
Second, according to Paul, the ultimate goal of generosity is to glorify God. Filling the needs of the Jerusalem church is only one of the goals of generosity. The other goal is for the benefit of the giver. Paul writes, "You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity" (v. 11). But the ultimate goal of generosity is that it glorifies God through obedience (9:11-13). Our acts of generosity are acts of "obedience to the confession of the gospel of Christ" (v. 13). This obedience of generosity produces renewed and enriched relationships between the giver, the receiver, and God.
Third, Paul asks the Corinthians to give generously out of their Christian freedom. Paul is careful to emphasize that his appeal for generosity is not a command and that the Corinthians should not give out of reluctance or compulsion but as they have made up their minds (9:7). Paul is appealing to their new freedom found in Christ. Generosity entails freedom. Coerced generosity is a contradiction in terms. But an unbridled freedom without direction and discipline will inevitably be co-opted by selfishness and greed. God has freed us in Jesus Christ so that through the Holy Spirit we are free from the power of mammon so that we can be free to live a life of generosity.
Paul did not pull back from challenging the Corinthians to give generously to a ministry outside of their own needs. For Paul this was a matter of spiritual life and death for the Corinthians. The median giving for American and Canadian Christians is only 0.62 percent of our household income to church and other charities combined.
We need to be encouraged and challenged to give generously according to Scripture. It is a matter of our spiritual life and death.
By Kevin Park Associate for Theology: Stewardship in the Office of Theology and Worship of the General Assembly Mission Council of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
November 6-7
Hag. 1:15b-2:9 Ps. 145:1-5, 17-21, 2 Thess.2:1-5, 13-17 Luke 20:27-38
November 13-14
Isa. 65:17-25 Isa 12 or Ps. 118 2 Thess.3:6-13 Luke 21:5-19
November 20-21
Jer. 23:1-6 Luke 1:68-79 Col. 1:11-20 Luke 23:33-43
November 27-28
Isa. 2:1-5 Ps. 122 Rom. 13:11-14 Matt. 24:36-44
Monday November 1, 2010
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Activity Center
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
6:30p MSPS Board – Conference Room
7:00p Chapter M Jar Project Scholarship – WFH
Tuesday November 2, 2010
7:00a Early Birds—Hardee’s
9:00a Staff Meeting
10:00a Organize the Office
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
6:00-8:00p Habitat Classes – EFH
6:00-9:00p Positive Solutions - WFH
7:00 p Junior Optimist – YR
Wednesday November 3, 2010
Noon Wings
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act Center
4:30-5:30p Girl Scouts – Preschool Room
5:45p Bell Choir
6:30p Next Steppers – EFH
Thursday November 4, 2010
8:00a Late Birds— Mr. C’s
Friday November 5, 2010
9:00a-4:00p Almost Free Shop
Saturday November 6, 2010
5:30p Chapel Service
Sunday November 7, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
Neighbor Helping Neighbor
6:30-8:00p Confirmation Class - EFH
Monday November 8, 2010
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act. Center
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
6:00-7:30p Free Clinic
Tuesday November 9, 2010
7:00a Early Birds—Hardee’s
9:00a Staff Meeting
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Positive Solutions - WFH
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
7:00p Junior Optimist – YR
Wednesday November 10, 2010
9:30a Naomi Circle – EFH
Noon Wings
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act. Center
5:45p Bell Choir
Thursday November 11, 2010
8:00a Late Birds—Mr. C’s
9:00a Rachel Circle – Sally’s
6:30p Education Cluster - Library
Friday November 12, 2010
9:00a-4:00p Almost Free Shop
Saturday November 13, 2010
5:30p Chapel Service
Sunday November 14, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
Food Donation
Cinnamon Roll Sunday
Monday November 15, 2010
1:00-3:00p KAMA—Act. Center
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
6:30p Committee Meetings
7:30p Ad Board
7:30p Marion County Historical Society – Act. Center
Tuesday November 16, 2010
7:00a Early Birds – Hardees
9:00a Staff Meeting
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
6:00-9:00p Positive Solutions - WFH
7:00p Junior Optimists – YR
Wednesday November 17, 2010
Noon Wings
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act Center
4:30-5:30p Girl Scouts – Preschool Room
5:45p Bell Choir
Thursday November 18, 2010
8:00a Late Birds – Mr. C’s
11:30a Homebuilder’s at Godfather’s
7:00p Rebecca Circle – EFH
Living Windows
Friday November 19, 2010
9:00a-4:00p Almost Free Shop
6:00p F.U.N. Fall Harvest Dinner and Movie – FUMC
Lighted Parade
Saturday November 20, 2010
5:30p Chapel Service
Sunday November 21, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
2:30-4:30p FUMC Hosting Charge Conference
6:30-8:00p Confirmation Class - EFH
Monday November 22, 2010
1:00-3:30p KAMA— Act. Ctr.
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
6:00-7:30p Free Clinic
6:00-8:30p Habitat for Humanity – EFH
Tuesday November 23, 2010
7:00a Early Birds—Hardee’s
9:00a Staff Meeting
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
6:00-9:00p Positive Solutions Class – WFH
7:00p Junior Optimists – YR
Wednesday November 24, 2010
Noon Wings
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act. Center
5:45p Bell Choir
Thursday November 25, 2010
8:00a Late Birds— Mr. C’s
Friday November 26, 2010
9:00a-4:00p Almost Free Shop
Saturday November 27, 2010
9:00a F.U.N. – Free Brunch/Decorate the Church for Christmas – FUMC
5:30p Chapel Service
Sunday November 28, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
Heifer Project
UM Student Day
Monday November 29, 2010
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Activity Center
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
Tuesday November 30, 2010
7:00a Early Birds—Hardee’s
9:00a Staff Meeting
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts – WFH
7:00 p Junior Optimist – YR
Equal Exchange is a worker-owned cooperative dedicated to fair trade. When you purchase Equal Exchange you join a network that enables farmers in Latin America, Africa, and Asia to stay on their land, support their families, plan for the future, and care for the environment. Through Fair Trade we can create a more equitable world.
Equal Exchange is making big changes by partnering with small farmers and democratically run cooperatives which give farmers a stronger collective voice; by building long term relationships with farmer cooperatives; by supporting sustainable farming practices; by running Equal Exchange as a worker-owned cooperative; by partnering with communities of faith as they put their values into action through Fair Trade; and by giving to the UMCOR Small Farmer Fund.
Remember that in addition to helping The United Methodist Committee on Relief and the small farmers, you are buying excellent products – ask anyone who has tried them!
When coffee, tea, cocoa, or chocolate are on your grocery list, please stop by to check out these products. Products are available in the main entry way of the church. Prices reflect built in contributions to UMCOR and Helping Hands. If you need to make other purchasing arrangements, please call Bonnie Crook at 828-8750. Great holiday gifts!
12 Ounces of Ground Coffee – Decaf and Organic
(Flavors: Breakfast Blend, Columbian, Hazel Nut Crème, French Vanilla, Toffee Caramel)
Pillow Puff Samplers
(Flavors: Assorted)
Whole Beans
(Flavor: French Roast)
Bags (20)
(Flavors: Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast, Rooibos*, Green Tea*)
(*temporarily out of stock at warehouse)
Pyramids (16)
(Flavors: Ceylon Chai, Darjeeling, Breakfast Blend, Green Tea)
Hot Cocoa Mix
Baking Cocoa
Mini Dark Chocolates
$0.25 or 5 for $1.00
Organic Dried Cranberries
Travel Mugs
Paul did not pull back from challenging the Corinthians to give generously to a ministry outside of their own needs. For Paul this was a matter of spiritual life and death for the Corinthians. The median giving for American and Canadian Christians is only 0.62 percent of our household income to church and other charities combined.
We need to be encouraged and challenged to give generously according to Scripture. It is a matter of our spiritual life and death.
By Kevin Park Associate for Theology: Stewardship in the Office of Theology and Worship of the General Assembly Mission Council of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
November 6-7
Hag. 1:15b-2:9 Ps. 145:1-5, 17-21, 2 Thess.2:1-5, 13-17 Luke 20:27-38
November 13-14
Isa. 65:17-25 Isa 12 or Ps. 118 2 Thess.3:6-13 Luke 21:5-19
November 20-21
Jer. 23:1-6 Luke 1:68-79 Col. 1:11-20 Luke 23:33-43
November 27-28
Isa. 2:1-5 Ps. 122 Rom. 13:11-14 Matt. 24:36-44
Monday November 1, 2010
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Activity Center
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
6:30p MSPS Board – Conference Room
7:00p Chapter M Jar Project Scholarship – WFH
Tuesday November 2, 2010
7:00a Early Birds—Hardee’s
9:00a Staff Meeting
10:00a Organize the Office
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
6:00-8:00p Habitat Classes – EFH
6:00-9:00p Positive Solutions - WFH
7:00 p Junior Optimist – YR
Wednesday November 3, 2010
Noon Wings
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act Center
4:30-5:30p Girl Scouts – Preschool Room
5:45p Bell Choir
6:30p Next Steppers – EFH
Thursday November 4, 2010
8:00a Late Birds— Mr. C’s
Friday November 5, 2010
9:00a-4:00p Almost Free Shop
Saturday November 6, 2010
5:30p Chapel Service
Sunday November 7, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
Neighbor Helping Neighbor
6:30-8:00p Confirmation Class - EFH
Monday November 8, 2010
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act. Center
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
6:00-7:30p Free Clinic
Tuesday November 9, 2010
7:00a Early Birds—Hardee’s
9:00a Staff Meeting
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Positive Solutions - WFH
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
7:00p Junior Optimist – YR
Wednesday November 10, 2010
9:30a Naomi Circle – EFH
Noon Wings
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act. Center
5:45p Bell Choir
Thursday November 11, 2010
8:00a Late Birds—Mr. C’s
9:00a Rachel Circle – Sally’s
6:30p Education Cluster - Library
Friday November 12, 2010
9:00a-4:00p Almost Free Shop
Saturday November 13, 2010
5:30p Chapel Service
Sunday November 14, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
Food Donation
Cinnamon Roll Sunday
Monday November 15, 2010
1:00-3:00p KAMA—Act. Center
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
6:30p Committee Meetings
7:30p Ad Board
7:30p Marion County Historical Society – Act. Center
Tuesday November 16, 2010
7:00a Early Birds – Hardees
9:00a Staff Meeting
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
6:00-9:00p Positive Solutions - WFH
7:00p Junior Optimists – YR
Wednesday November 17, 2010
Noon Wings
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act Center
4:30-5:30p Girl Scouts – Preschool Room
5:45p Bell Choir
Thursday November 18, 2010
8:00a Late Birds – Mr. C’s
11:30a Homebuilder’s at Godfather’s
7:00p Rebecca Circle – EFH
Living Windows
Friday November 19, 2010
9:00a-4:00p Almost Free Shop
6:00p F.U.N. Fall Harvest Dinner and Movie – FUMC
Lighted Parade
Saturday November 20, 2010
5:30p Chapel Service
Sunday November 21, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
2:30-4:30p FUMC Hosting Charge Conference
6:30-8:00p Confirmation Class - EFH
Monday November 22, 2010
1:00-3:30p KAMA— Act. Ctr.
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
6:00-7:30p Free Clinic
6:00-8:30p Habitat for Humanity – EFH
Tuesday November 23, 2010
7:00a Early Birds—Hardee’s
9:00a Staff Meeting
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
6:00-9:00p Positive Solutions Class – WFH
7:00p Junior Optimists – YR
Wednesday November 24, 2010
Noon Wings
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act. Center
5:45p Bell Choir
Thursday November 25, 2010
8:00a Late Birds— Mr. C’s
Friday November 26, 2010
9:00a-4:00p Almost Free Shop
Saturday November 27, 2010
9:00a F.U.N. – Free Brunch/Decorate the Church for Christmas – FUMC
5:30p Chapel Service
Sunday November 28, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
Heifer Project
UM Student Day
Monday November 29, 2010
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Activity Center
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
Tuesday November 30, 2010
7:00a Early Birds—Hardee’s
9:00a Staff Meeting
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts – WFH
7:00 p Junior Optimist – YR
Equal Exchange is a worker-owned cooperative dedicated to fair trade. When you purchase Equal Exchange you join a network that enables farmers in Latin America, Africa, and Asia to stay on their land, support their families, plan for the future, and care for the environment. Through Fair Trade we can create a more equitable world.
Equal Exchange is making big changes by partnering with small farmers and democratically run cooperatives which give farmers a stronger collective voice; by building long term relationships with farmer cooperatives; by supporting sustainable farming practices; by running Equal Exchange as a worker-owned cooperative; by partnering with communities of faith as they put their values into action through Fair Trade; and by giving to the UMCOR Small Farmer Fund.
Remember that in addition to helping The United Methodist Committee on Relief and the small farmers, you are buying excellent products – ask anyone who has tried them!
When coffee, tea, cocoa, or chocolate are on your grocery list, please stop by to check out these products. Products are available in the main entry way of the church. Prices reflect built in contributions to UMCOR and Helping Hands. If you need to make other purchasing arrangements, please call Bonnie Crook at 828-8750. Great holiday gifts!
12 Ounces of Ground Coffee – Decaf and Organic
(Flavors: Breakfast Blend, Columbian, Hazel Nut Crème, French Vanilla, Toffee Caramel)
Pillow Puff Samplers
(Flavors: Assorted)
Whole Beans
(Flavor: French Roast)
Bags (20)
(Flavors: Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast, Rooibos*, Green Tea*)
(*temporarily out of stock at warehouse)
Pyramids (16)
(Flavors: Ceylon Chai, Darjeeling, Breakfast Blend, Green Tea)
Hot Cocoa Mix
Baking Cocoa
Mini Dark Chocolates
$0.25 or 5 for $1.00
Organic Dried Cranberries
Travel Mugs
HOSPITALIZED: Francis Caswell
RECOVERING AT HOME: Bob Hutzell, Lela Todd, Rita Hayes, Ruth Willis, Bob Jahner, Evelyn Bachman, Sam Rathmel, Marion Dykstra, and Dorothy Porter.
ADDITIONAL PRAYERS: Maxine Harrison, Betty McLaughlin, Mary Durham, and our service people and their families.
RECOVERING AT HOME: Bob Hutzell, Lela Todd, Rita Hayes, Ruth Willis, Bob Jahner, Evelyn Bachman, Sam Rathmel, Marion Dykstra, and Dorothy Porter.
ADDITIONAL PRAYERS: Maxine Harrison, Betty McLaughlin, Mary Durham, and our service people and their families.

Trick or Treat for UNICEF Sunday: You are invited to a UNICEF Trick or Treat party! Come and join us Sunday, October 31st from 4-6 p.m. in West Fellowship Hall. All preschool through 12th grades are invited to trick or treat for UNICEF and celebrate with food, games and activities. Please be prepared to dress for the outdoors and bring a friend to enjoy the fun.
Confirmation Class Sunday: Confirmation class is Sunday, October 31st in East Fellowship Hall from 6:30p.m to 8:00 p.m.

A special collection is taken the first weekend of every month. These funds go through KAMA to help community needs. Please mark your check memo and/or envelope to identify this purpose if you would like to contribute.
We are in need of a coordinator for our Thanksgiving mission baskets. This person will work with SHARE and Helping Hands to help us distribute approximately 20+ baskets for families in need during the Thanksgiving season. Persons interested are to please contact the office.
Jar mixes for sale to raise money for scholarships: Fruited rice, pantry grain pancakes, chicken soup, bean soup, and sand art brownie jars are for sale at $5 per jar. They will be sold between church services on November 7th. They are great for gifts or for home meals. Kay Jensen

CROP WALK: November 14th
Make a contribution to this wonderful cause. The confirmation class will be walking & collecting in the gathering area east of the sanctuary the next three weekends.
The internationally- acclaimed African Children’s Choir will be performing in Des Moines on Wednesday, November 3, at 7:00 p.m. at Grace Church. The concert is free and open to the public. African Children’s Choir has provided education and other life-changing resources to literally thousands of children in Nigeria, Sudan, Ghana, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, and South Africa. Their motto is “Helping Africa’s most vulnerable children today, so they can help Africa tomorrow”, sums up their purpose and focus on their many activities. For more info call Grace church at 515-265-0199 or visit
LECTIONARY: November 6-7
Hag. 1:15b-2:9 Ps. 145:1-5, 17-21, 2 Thess.2:1-5, 13-17 Luke 20:27-38
Hag. 1:15b-2:9 Ps. 145:1-5, 17-21, 2 Thess.2:1-5, 13-17 Luke 20:27-38
October 23-24
Worship attendance: 227 Giving: $4860
October 23-24
Worship attendance: 227 Giving: $4860

Monday November 1, 2010
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act. Center
3:00-6:00p Almost Free Shop
6:30p MSPS Board – Conference Room
7:00p Chapter M Jar Project Scholarship – WFH
Tuesday November 2, 2010
7:00a Early Birds—
9:00a-Noon Almost Free Shop
6:00-8:00p Boy Scouts
6:00-8:00p Habitat Classes –
6:00-9:00p Positive Solutions - WFH
7:00 p Junior Optimist – YR
Wednesday November 3, 2010
Noon Wings
1:00-3:30p KAMA—Act Center
4:30-5:30p Girl Scouts – Preschool Room
5:45p Bell Choir
6:30p Next Steppers - EFH
Thursday November 4, 2010
8:00a Late Birds— Mr. C’s
Friday November 5, 2010
9:00a-4:00p Almost Free Shop
Saturday November 6, 2010
5:30p Chapel Service
Sunday November 7, 2010
8:30 & 10:45a Worship Services
9:30a Sunday School
Neighbor Helping Neighbor

Reformation Day is a day set aside to recognize, remember, and celebrate the Protestant Reformation. In some countries, it is observed as an official holiday. It remembers Martin Luther and the central role he played in the reform movement that split the western church from Rome.
When Is It Observed?
Reformation Day is October 31 of every year. That is the day in 1517 when Dr. Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. It was Luther’s act that caused the initial furor that resulted in the Reformation. Luther had earned his Doctor of Theology degree in Wittenberg and was a respected professor there, as well as the assistant pastor of the Castle Church. Luther chose October 31 because it was the day before All Saints’ Day. The Castle Church’s front door opened on a main street of the city, and it was a good place to post a notice for public viewing. Luther knew that on the next day, November 1 – All Saints’ Day – the church would be filled with worshipers, many of whom were educated and literate. His act of posting his 95 Theses on the door was the equivalent of publishing a journal article, taking out a newspaper ad, or putting it up on an Internet website today. Reformation Day is most often observed today on the Sunday prior to October 31.
Why Did Luther Post His 95 Theses?
There were numerous reasons identified in the theses. Luther addressed a number of objectionable teachings and doctrines, including salvation by works and practice of selling indulgences. These were actual certificates that people could purchase from the Church that absolved them of their sins and promised their salvation and eternal life. Pope Leo X called for the sale of indulgences in Germany to help raise money to complete the construction of Saint Peter’s Cathedral in Rome. The Pope said that those who purchased these indulgences would be absolved of all sin. Some of Luther’s parishioners purchased these indulgences and asked Luther about their validity. This led direct to his posting of the 95 Theses.
All Saints Day:
November 1, also known as All Hallows’ Day; its eve gave us the term Halloween. In contemporary understanding, it celebrates the saintly status of all Christian people, known and unknown, not merely officially canonized saints as formerly.

We are family friendly with a well equipped nursery, a full play room, and bathroom for your use. Please feel free to use our family oriented nursery. These areas are sound proof from the sanctuary, but you can turn on the speakers and hear the service if you would like. Large print bulletins are available for the 8:30 service.

Saturday - Brenton and Shirley Trabert & Mike and Dorothy Larson
8:30 – Marvin Brooks, Brent Hanna, Jim Hicks, Ken Lundy, Don Otto, Sam Rathmel, and George Werts
10:45 – Chuck and Mary Belle Day
Montgomery Street
8:30 – Terry and Cindy Fenoglio
10:45 – Don and Maxine Harrison
Fourth Street
8:30 – Gib and Elizabeth Dean
10:45 - Doran and Cora Van Rheenen
8:30 – Larry and Roseanne Rowley
8:30 – Jim and Sharon Young
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